The Land Conservancy for Southern Chester County
2016 Impact Report
Other Protected Properties in Southern Chester County
Impact in 2016
Hover over any parcel to read more
Owned Parcels
Parcel Boundaries
Major State Roads
Click here to learn more about our work in Kennett Township
A property that TLC owns outright for conservation purposes and is often open to the public for their enjoyment.
An easement between TLC and the landowner that permanently restricts the use of the land (no development, etc.) in order to protect its conservation, historic, scenic, or open space values.
Eased Parcels
Includes municipal and state parks, and parcels conserved by other organizations.
Other Protected Lands
In Newlin / West Bradford Township
An additional 190 acres in development
Includes parcels being actively pursued by TLC for potential ownership or easement
Proposals in development
An additional 182 acres in development
<<< In Elk Township
An additional 58 acres in development
In West Marlborough Township
An additional 33 acres in development
In New GardenTownship
An additional 34 acres in development
In London Britain Township
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Barnard's Orchard
Barnard’s Orchard agricultural easement in Newlin Township added 69+ acres. Read more about this exciting addition.