Stories about ASD

Hiking is for everyone!

ASD Roadmap

Building capacity: An Overview

April 10, 2020


A Baseline Hike

Battery Park Trail

Building a Baseline and a Routine

Goal  Get to know your hiker and establish a routine for hiking

Effort Every half mile of trail equals a  Total Effort of 1

Routines  Become used to taking a 60-90 minute hike 1-2 times a week

Trails  Flat, wide (5+'), paved trails 1 to 1 1/2 miles long, that can be completed in 60 minutes

For subsequent steps, each factor that increases effort is added to each half-mile segment

The Beginning Hiker

Goal  Keep a steady pace on a more difficult 1 hour hike

Effort Calculated for each half mile section

Slope  1:20-1:12 +1

300' of relatively greater slope +.5

Surface  Natural (not paved): +.5

Routine  Learn to hike in all kinds of weather

Trails  From longer, flat, paved trails to sloped, paved trails, and then to wide, flat natural trails

A Beginning Hike

Northern Penndel trail at White Clay Preserve

The Adventurous Hiker

Goal  Explore even longer & more challenging hikes

Effort  Calculated for each half mile section

Steeper slopes : 1:12-1:8 +2 ; More than 1:8 +3

Surface  Uneven surface +.5: larger obstacles +1

Tread width  Narrow (2-4') +.5: Very narrow (less than 2') +1

Routines  Take breaks: Track your progress on a map

Trails  Natural paths that are sloped and/or have an increasingly uneven surface and/or can become very narrow.

A More Adventurous Hike

Meadow Loop at the Stateline Woods Preserve