
ASD Roadmap

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia - 2008-11

NextSteps Parent Training

The NextSteps Workshops offer an introduction to autism identification and treatment to parents and practitioners. I led the Next Steps workshops while I was at CHOP, helping to significantly re-organize NextSteps for Parents (for parents of newly diagnosed children) and to launch NextSteps for Professionals.  I increased the number of workshops, coordinated the participation of specific community partners, increased the range of disciplines involved, integrated and mentored LEND trainees as presenters (Doehring, 2011), and used pre- and post-tests to improve content (Pucci, Berry, and Doehring, 2010).  I also re-oriented the content and format to the needs and questions of parents, to align with the Autism Speaks 100 Day Toolkit, and to emphasize evidence-based practices. I expanded a portion involving a panel of caregivers and self-advocates, served as primary presenter and moderator in initial workshops, and then filled in whenever others were unavailable as I transitioned out.

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The logo is adapted from Joaquim Alves Gaspar's drawing of Pedro Reinel's compass rose.