
ASD Roadmap

Delaware Autism Program - 1999-2008

Evidence-Based Practice

Key Elements

Evidence-Based Practice Reviews

At various times, we were presented with recommendations for specific programmatic changes from parents, professionals, and state legislators: for example, to adopt the Son-Rise program, to integrate verbal behavior programming, and to endorse the use of special diets. In each case, I led reviews conducted with multiple partners, and drafted formal written reports and responses as needed.

Data based decision making

State policy and regulations

I introduced evidence-based practice as language in a wide range of state legislation, regulations, and memoranda of agreement, addressing assessment, intervention, and oversight.


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To replicate a practice or program, you must understand its infrastructure, like funding, staffing, target populations, curriculum, and settings

In addition to these, it is important to understand the program's infrastructure: how big it is, how it is staffed, how it is funded, how it related to other services or agencies, and how training and oversight is provided. In some cases, it quickly becomes clear that this infrastructure may be a significant factor in a role in the program's success: for example, a program that charges high fees or maintains a high staff:student ratio may be more successful simply because of the intensity of support it can offer. If those fees cannot be charged, or those ratios maintained, it may become difficult to replicate.

Current vita

The logo is adapted from Joaquim Alves Gaspar's drawing of Pedro Reinel's compass rose.


My Presentations and Publications

With Vince Wintering, (2013). Delaware Autism Program: Statewide Educational Services in the Public Schools. In  Autism Services Across America: Roadmaps for Improving State and National Education, Research, and Training Programs. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD

With Vince Wintering. (2011). The Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices in the Public Schools. In Evidence-Based Practices and Treatments for Children with Autism. (2011). Springer-Verlaug, New York, NY.

With Brian Reichow, (2007). Is it evidenced-based? How to evaluate claims of effectiveness for autism. International Association for Positive Behavior Support. Boston, MA.

(2007). Is it really evidence-based? A practical approach to evaluating claims of effectiveness. Invited talk Organization for Autism Research. Baltimore, MD.

(2005). How to identify best practices and programs for educating children with autism. Autism Society of America, Nashville, TN.