Doehring, P, (2013). Autism Services Across America: Roadmaps for Improving State and National Education, Research, and Training Programs Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD.
In Section I of the book, I provide an overview of ASD, of the elements of intervention (services, training, research, policy), and the infrastructure of agencies and organizations supporting intervention, highlighting key opportunities and challenges to scaling up services. Sections II and III are authored by leaders of 9 programs , each providing service, training, research and/or policy, at the regional, state, or national level. This includes a chapter describing the Delaware Autism Program, and a second chapter describing efforts in Pennsylvania, Chapters are written to encourage dissemination; they include examples of programs based in different agencies and domains, and information about their structure, funding, and evolution. In Section IV, I conclude by outlining specific principles for developing a more coordinated network that leverages local, state, and national resources, and by laying out a blueprint for regions and states just beginning to build a service infrastructure and those with more ambitious goals.
Doehring, Peter (2014). Translating Research into Effective Social Policy. In Volkmar, F. Paul, R., Rogers, S., & Pelphrey, K. Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders: Assessment, Interventions, Policy, the Future (4th ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
In the final chapter to this two volume series, I outline some of the opportunities and barriers to linking autism research to current social policy, focusing on the United States. The chapter centers on a fictitious case study of a young man who slowly sinks into a behavioral crisis that was readily preventable but that results in suspension from school, in-patient hospitalization, and potential residential placement. At each step in this crisis, I describe the role that research or social policy could have played in addressing the factors contributing to his deteriorating situation.
Reichow, B., Doehring, P., Cicchetti, D. & Volkmar F. (Eds.). (2011) Evidence-Based Practices and Treatments for Children with Autism. Springer-Verlaug, New York, NY.
Entries include: (a) Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC); (b) Family Burden; (c) Learned Helplessness; (d) Regional Centers; (e) Statewide Service programs; (f) (with Kim Musheno) US Social Policy. In Volkmar, F. Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders (2013). Springer, New York.
In contrast to a traditional edited volume, authors here objectively rated the quality of all of the available outcome research in their specific area of expertise, to make clear statements about evidence-based practice. Chapters evaluated interventions addressing: behavioral excesses; deficits in social and communication skills; cognitive behavior therapy; psychopharmacology; sensory approaches; complementary and alternative treatments, and; adaptive behavior. Another chapter describes steps taken to implement EBP at the Delaware Autism Program,
In the final chapter to this overview of ASD, I describe examples of opportunities to translate research into national policy. I begin with an overview of the mechanisms by which research can influence policy decisions related to ASD services, training, funding, and program infrastructure. The chapter then centers on a detailed review of four cases: the efforts to coordinate research through the Combating Autism Act, the development and implementation of practice guidelines through the UK's National Health Service, the development of state autism insurance mandates, and the development of vaccine policies.