
ASD Roadmap

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia - 2008-11

The Autism Services, Education, Research and Training Collaborative

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Early Screening and Diagnosis Project

The project hinged on the triage of more complex cases to more specialized teams using a more intensive protocol, while less complex cases were referred to less specialized teams using a more basic diagnostic protocol. I led the design of the two-step evaluation model (e.g., including the specific criteria for distinguishing those requiring more specialized assessment), which had been first broadly described in the recommendations of the Pennsylvania Expert Diagnostic WorkGroup. I also developed the plan for staffing support, and the implementation plan for ESD, and wrote all the relevant sections of the grant application.

I also developed all of the training and supporting materials for project, and delivered all of the training.  The training included a 60-90 minute overview of ASD for everyone involved in the referral process, and then a 8-10 hour training for those actually involved in ASD diagnosis. The latter included overview of core features of ASD, characteristics of assessment instruments, how to establish convergence of information across assessments, and a detailed review of the triage process.  Subsequent, smaller workgroups provided coaching in the clinical use of the assessment instruments, and information on differentiating ASD from co-occurring conditions.  All trainings also included clinical templates and annotated bibliographies.

Use large, well-designed surveys to identify critical gaps in access to basic care, and to help to set benchmarks for new programs.

The logo is adapted from Joaquim Alves Gaspar's drawing of Pedro Reinel's compass rose.

My Presentations and Publications

With Erica Wexler, Cathy Scutta, Michael Miklos, & Nina Wall-Cote. (2013). The Pennsylvania Bureau of Autism Services and the Department of Education: Providing Educational and Community Services Across the Life Span. In Autism Services Across America: Roadmaps for Improving State and National Education, Research, and Training Programs. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD

With Lindsay Lawer & David Mandell. Preliminary results from the 2009 Pennsylvania Statewide Needs Assessment.

With Megan Ott & Susan Levy. Early Autism Screening and Identification Clinic (EASI):  A Nurse Practitioner & Physician Clinic Model.

August, 2010. National Autism Conference. State College PA.